Many of us are missing our usual sport and physical activities – whether it’s an aqua-aerobics class, a walking football session or a midweek stroll with friends.

It can be hard to keep active whilst staying at home, especially if it is not something you are used to doing. We’ve compiled some resources below, that will hopefully give you a few tips. Keep checking back, as we will be updating this every few days. Physical activity may be at the bottom of your priorities right now, which is fine, these activities may help you to break up the day and keep up your positive habits.

  • Activity Alliance have created a page on their website - Being Active at Home, the page content is themed into three sections:
    - Support on being active at home – useful resources, guides and campaigns that offer advice and guidance
    - Home exercises and workouts – a selection of home-based workouts and exercise routines for all ages and abilities
    - Impairment specific advice – key information from some of our members for people with specific impairments
  • The Active Lifestyle team at Cambridge City Council have created a ‘Lets Get Moving’ playlist on their YouTube channel, bringing online classes direct to your living room. The Active Lifestyle team have also started an ‘Active Update Newsletter’, sign up now to receive ideas on how to get and keep yourself and your family active over the next couple of months.
  • Power 2 Inspire have teamed up with Oak Activities to provide daily live strength and balance session (seated and standing) with three classes a day at different levels now running on Facebook Live. Jump on to Facebook to join the sessions at the Keep Active with Oaks Page. There is schedule and information about classes here.
  • Forever Active have a library of Strength and Balance classes available here where the County Council’s Stronger for Longer campaign also  gives information about being active as we age including The ‘Super 6‘ strength and balance The Super 6 are six simple exercises, that you can complete in the comfort of your home, without the need for any additional equipment. Try to complete 2-3 times per week, and try the strength and balance challenge below!

  • Love to Move British Gymnastics age and dementia friendly chair based exercise programme has also gone online access to the classes through their website.
  • 10 Today is a set of fun, 10 minute audio and video workouts intended to fit easily into your day and help get you stretching and moving at home. More information on their website.
  • Move it or Lose it UK have created the cuppa routine. The perfect, low intensity workout, that you can do in your kitchen whilst waiting for the kettle to boil. You can access the workout here. The Move it of Lose it UK YouTube channel has a wide range of additional activities you can get involved in, join the fun here.
  • Make Movement Your Mission is an online Facebook community. Led by Later Life training they deliver online sessions. The Facebook group is also a wonderful place to chat to others who may be in a similar position to you and to support each other to Make Movement Your Mission!

Are you giving any of these sessions a go? Get in touch with us on Twitter and Facebook and tell us how you #StayInWorkOut!