Val has lived or worked in the area since 1985. She has a background and qualifications in psychology, education and health. Recent career highlights include being the current chair of the local Healthwatch, a non-executive Director of a NHS Trust in Hertfordshire, and ten years with NICE, the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence. 

Going back a bit further, Val taught science and PE in Peterborough and Cambridgeshire before focusing on health development, evidence based guidance for the NHS and social care and implementation science - the bit about how to put it into practice.

"I have represented my country in two sports and won the World Championship with women’s rugby as team manager in 1994. Skiing in the back country (off piste) remains my favourite sport, and for year round physical activity mixing up swimming, running and the gym is just about keeping me fit. I love a challenge, and love what being active can do for people and society as a whole."