Around 150 children from 19 primary and secondary schools from across Cambridgeshire and Peterborough enjoyed an action-packed day at One Leisure St Ives on 24th March at the Cambridgeshire & Peterborough School Games Disability and Inclusion Festival.

The Disability and Inclusion Festival is aimed at children and young people in mainstream school settings with special educational needs and disabilities, providing them with a positive experience of sport and physical activity.

The schools which attended this Cambridgeshire & Peterborough School Games event had qualified via district Panathlon Challenge events held earlier in the Spring Term, the first and second place schools were selected to attend this county final event. The event was supported by a group of 25 Year 9 Sports Leaders volunteers from St Ivo Academy.

Alongside the Panathlon Challenge County Final event, the day offered a carousel of 'come and try it' activities delivered by local partners and activity providers; these included Youth Dreams Project, Tanzii TV and Able2B. Extending the experience gave the young people the opportunity to try something new in a fun and informal way, filling the indoor centre with joy and smiles on the young children’s faces.


Huge congratulations go to the Primary School Winner of the Cambridgeshire Panathlon Challenge, Nene & Ramnoth School (Witchford), and a big well done to the Secondary School Winner, Comberton Village College (South Cambs).

Megan Fey, School Sports Delivery Co-ordinator, said “Thank you to schools, deliverers and staff who supported the event on Thursday – we are hugely grateful. Thank you also to One Leisure St Ives - our host site for this event.

It was great to have a targeted event in which many young people could come together not only to represent their school but also their district and be involved in a countywide event. It was lovely to see the children enjoying themselves, lots of fun was had throughout the day and young people left with a big smile on their face!

It was such a positive day and a great way to showcase a range of sports and physical activities which young people may not have had to access or opportunity to try previously. There was also an education piece attached to this which demonstrated the many physical and mental benefits of being active.”

About the School Games

The School Games is a national initiative, funded by Sport England, which aims to inspire young people to take part in sport and physical activity opportunities. The School Games is a free offer to all primary, secondary and special schools. The Cambridgeshire and Peterborough School Games is co-ordinated by Living Sport and supported by School Games Organisers from the local School Sports Partnerships.

In Cambridgeshire and Peterborough the School Games focus on being fully inclusive and meeting the particular needs and demands of young people in the county, with particular emphasis on the under-represented and harder to reach groups. Youth voice and insight are embedded in to all delivery to ensure provision is shaped by young people, for young people.